Stump Trivia - Every Tuesday @ 7pm & 8pm

Stump Trivia - Every Tuesday @ 7pm & 8pm

Fun! Free! Prizes! Reservations of all sizes encouraged.

Earth Day IPA Launch Party - Seattle

Earth Day IPA Launch Party - Seattle

Mar 12, 2025 @ 5:00 PM

Join us at Watershed Pub in celebration of the launch of Earth Day IPA - a beer for our planet, with every sip supporting river conservation and access for all.

$1 will be donated to Salmon-Safe for every pint purchased on March 12th and April 22nd (Earth Day). The event will also include a raffle, and a chance to learn more about Salmon-Safe and Western Rivers Conservancy.

Cider Tasting Sundays: March '25

Cider Tasting Sundays: March '25

Mar 16, 2025 @ 4:00 PM

Join us the 3rd Sunday of each month from 4-8pm for a pop-up CIDER tasting with Press Then Press cider shop. We’ll be featuring bottle pours and tasting flights of craft, small-batch ciders. Each month will feature a new theme. A delicious and fun way to learn more about all things cider!

Hair Sparkle Party

Hair Sparkle Party

Mar 19, 2025 @ 3:00 PM

Our very own, Malerie Henry, aka Hair Sparkles Seattle, will be on site from 3pm-6pm to put sparkles in your hair! Treat yourself to some whimsical glamour. First come first served. $20 for 10 strands.

Orval Day '25 Benefiting Forest Foundation

Orval Day '25 Benefiting Forest Foundation

Mar 22, 2025 @ 10:00 AM

Watershed Pub & Kitchen is proud to be participating in Orval Day 2025! Welcome the spring season with one of the great Trappist ales of the world and raise money for a worthy cause.

This year Orval's distributor Merchant du Vin is donating $.50 per bottle to Forest Foundation. Learn about this legendary beer and come celebrate Orval Day with us on the 22nd!

Convergence #111: Kulshan + Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance

Convergence #111: Kulshan + Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance

Mar 26, 2025 @ 6:00 PM

Our Convergence series of monthly brewery-night-community-fundraising events continues with Bellingham's mighty Kulshan Brewing. Along with their high quality, true-to-style ales and lagers and some special pairings from our talented chefs, we'll be raising money and awareness for Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance: "Evergreen acts as a single point of contact representing thousands of mountain bikers across Washington when working with land managers, politicians and other government agencies. Our goal is to protect the trails that we have, and continually push for new opportunities and access."

We look forward to sharing this evening with you in support of a great cause. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details!

Live at the Shed feat. How Short

Live at the Shed feat. How Short

Apr 12, 2025 @ 12:00 PM

Northgate's spot for live music on the 2nd Saturday of every month! For this month's brunch show we're excited to welcome back Shed favorites How Short from NOON-2PM (no cover, all ages).

Join us for some delicious food and drinks along with live music played by real human beings!

Live at the Shed feat. Robert Leslie

Live at the Shed feat. Robert Leslie

Apr 12, 2025 @ 8:00 PM

Northgate's spot for live music on the 2nd Saturday of every month! This month's night music features the return of the phenomenal Robert Leslie from 8-10PM (no cover, all ages). "Leslie’s songs boast soaring melodies and dense imagery, but it is his alluring voice that hypnotizes, draws you in, and keeps you suspended in the worlds that he creates. Born in New York City, Leslie was raised in London and Amsterdam. He is currently based in Seattle, WA."

Join us for some delicious food and drinks along with live music played by a real human being!

Cider Tasting Sundays: April '25

Cider Tasting Sundays: April '25

Apr 20, 2025 @ 4:00 PM

Join us the 3rd Sunday of each month from 4-8pm for a pop-up CIDER tasting with Press Then Press cider shop. We’ll be featuring bottle pours and tasting flights of craft, small-batch ciders. Each month will feature a new theme. A delicious and fun way to learn more about all things cider!

Convergence #112: Human People + Seattle Neighborhood Farmers Markets

Convergence #112: Human People + Seattle Neighborhood Farmers Markets

Apr 30, 2025 @ 6:00 PM

Our Convergence series of monthly brewery-night-community-fundraising events continues with the exciting up-and-coming Human People Beer. Along with their thoughtful and highly anticipated beers and some special pairings from our talented chefs, we'll be raising money and awareness for Seattle Neighborhood Farmers Markets: "Our mission is to support and strengthen Washington’s small, sustainable family farms by creating and operating vibrant, neighborhood-scale markets where farmers and food producers can sell their goods, develop relationships with customers, and grow their capacity to produce local ingredients and artisanal products."

We look forward to sharing this evening with you in support of a great cause. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details!

Live at the Shed feat. Danny Godinez

Live at the Shed feat. Danny Godinez

May 10, 2025 @ 12:00 PM

Northgate's spot for live music on the 2nd Saturday of every month! For this month's brunch music we welcome back one of our all-time favorite artists, the incredible guitarist Danny Godinez from NOON-2PM (no cover, all ages). Join us for some delicious food and drinks along with live music played by an actual human being!